Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Chilean hackers jailed

Codiux, Phnx, SSH-2 and Nettoxic , the "Byond Crew chilean defacers", have been arrested by the “carabineros”, and have been accused of being part of an international group that has broken into thousands of government websites around the world. They are said to be responsible for hacking more than 8,000 sites, including some run by the governments of Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Turkey, the United States and Venezuela, the NASA’s site being one of them. The four hackers were members of an international group identified as the "Byond" team, a group that has been under investigation for some time with the cooperation of authorities in the United States, Israel and several South American countries. While it is clear that the four members of the Byond Crew have infiltrated thousands of sites, it is also clear that there has no been purpose of profiting but only mischief. The group has also been involved in last year’s tit-for-tat battle between Peruvian and Chilean hackers, where computer hackers brought their two countries' historic rivalries into cyberspace, posting nationalistic claims to ocean territory, seafood and the Pisco grape brandy on government Web pages.

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