Monday, September 03, 2007

Computer Law conferences in Latin America

Erick has sent the list of forthcoming Computer Law conferences organized by Alfa-Redi (of which I am member of the advisory board). Alfa-Redi’s conferences are a classic and some of them have been pioneers on the topic in Latin America and internationally (and they offer you the possibility of visiting exotic places :)

VII Congreso Andino de Derecho Informatico [Andean Conference of Computer Law]
19-21 de Septiembre, Cali (Colombia)

VII Congreso Iberoamericano Independiente de Nombres de Dominio, Numeros IP e Internet Governance [Iberoamerican Conference on Domain Names, IP Numbers and Internet Governance]
20 de Noviembre, Loja (Ecuador)

V Congreso Latinoamericano de Derecho Informatico [Latin American Conference of Computer Law]
21-23 de Noviembre, Loja (Ecuador)

VII Congreso Mundial de Derecho Informatico/VII World Congress of Computer Law
3-7 de Diciembre, San Juan (Puerto Rico)

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